NemoBox. Privacy Policy

NemoBox (“Us”, “We”) has developed this Privacy Policy to help you understand how we collect, use and protect the information we may acquire through your use of our product.(“the Product”). Your privacy is important to us and we encourage you to read this Privacy Policy carefully so that you can make informed decisions about your use of the Product.

If you have any concerns about our use of information or compliance with these terms please contact us in writing at We are committed to resolving any concerns or complaints regarding the collection, use, transfer or disclosure of information in an amicable and collaborative way.



Non-Personal Information means information that, by itself, does not personally identify you. Non-Personal Information includes Personal Information that has been de-personalized or aggregated, demographic information, Services usage Information and device properties such as: (a) unique device identifier (“UDID”), Media Access Control (“MAC”) Address, or other device identifiers; (b) device software platform, firmware and manufacturer; (c) mobile phone carrier; (d) geographical information such as zip code, area code, internet protocol (“IP”) address and location; and (e) other Non-Personal Information that we might find useful in improving the Product.

How Non-Personal Information is Collected. We may collect Non-Personal Information through your interaction with us and/or your use of the Product. We may also employ third-party ad serving and/or analytics technologies that use certain methods to collect information through the Product. These technologies may be imbedded within the Product and may collect demographic and location information as well as information from your device including, but not limited to IP address, UDID, software, applications, hardware, browser information, internet and on-line usage information and in-game information.

How Non-Personal Information is Used. We may collect and store your Non-Personal Information to analyze Service usage, improve and serve ads, manage and provide the Product or any other purposes relating to improving NemoBox services and products. We may disclose Non-Personal Information to third parties and/or allow third parties to collect Non-Personal Information through embedded technology within the Product. These companies collect and use information under their own privacy policies. You acknowledge that the third parties, such as advertising and analytics specialists that receive Non-Personal Information may combine the information collected with other information they have independently collected from other services or products. If you do not want to be subject to the practices of these third parties please do not use or access the Product. Whenever practicable, we will use “hashed” versions of device identifiers to make it more difficult for third parties to combine the information from the Product with other information sources. Although we take commercially reasonable steps to instruct third parties to comply with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, we do not have access to or control of third-party technologies.

Cookies, Beacons and Tracking. the Product may use cookies and other technologies such as pixel tags, clear GIFs and web beacons. NemoBox treats information collected by cookies and similar technologies as Non-Personal Information.


Personal Information means specific identifiable information about you which may be used by itself to identify, contact or locate you (e.g., your name, mailing address, email address, screen name, social network site ID, phone number, photo(s), birthdate, gender, or social network friend connections. NemoBox may use collected Personal Information for purposes of analyzing Services usage, providing customer and technical support.

How We May Acquire Personal Information. We collect and store Personal Information only with your consent and we do not sell your Personal Information to third parties. We may acquire your Personal Information when you participate in in-game registration, contests and special events; access Services using a third-party ID (such as an ID from a social networking site or gaming service); subscribe to news updates; share on a social network via the Product; request technical or customer support; or otherwise provide Personal Information to use or access features of the Product. We will not access your photos, videos, GPS data, address book, call log or SMS Log without your express consent to do so. Please note that some elements of the Product may not be available if you do not consent to our use and storage of these items.

How Personal Information is Used. We may use your Personal Information to provide customer and technical support, improve the Product, provide personalized elements of the Product, optimize delivery of the Product (including ad content) and further develop NemoBox Games or other NemoBox services and products. Personal Information may occasionally be disclosed in accordance with applicable law and this Privacy Policy. We may combine Non-Personal Information with Personal Information.


Financial Information means information relating to payments and billing (e.g. account information, billing address, social security number and driver’s license numbers).

How We May Acquire Financial Information. We may collect and store your Financial Information when you provide it to us, such as when you conduct a transaction through the Product, contact customer support or participate in certain in-Service registrations, contests or special events. We do not collect Financial Information on you when you purchase NemoBox Games through Distributors.

How Financial Information is Used. All Financial Information is collected for billing and payment purposes only and will be protected and administered by NemoBox and/or our authorized third party partners. we do not sell your Personal Information to third parties, but we may share your Financial Information with third-parties as described in this Privacy Policy.

SOCIAL NETWORKS Certain features of the Product may enable you to connect to social networking sites and for us to obtain additional information about you and your network. In such instances, we may be able to collect certain Personal Information and Non-Personal Information from your social networking profile when your social networking site permits it, and when you consent to allow your social networking site to make such information available to us. This information may include, but is not limited to, your name, profile picture, gender, social network user ID, email address, your country, your language, your time zone, the organizations and links on your profile page, the names and profile pictures of your social networking site “friends” and other information you have included in your social networking site profile. We may associate, combine and/or use information collected through such social networking sites in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Affiliated Businesses We Do Not Control. We may use third-party companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf such as fulfilling orders, hosting, information storage, sending postal mail and email, removing repetitive information from customer lists, analyzing Information, providing marketing assistance and providing customer service. We will provide such entities with access to certain information they need to perform their functions, but we will take measures to ensure that they may not use the information for other purposes. We share information only as described above and only with third parties that are either subject to this Privacy Policy or to a privacy policy that is at least as protective as this Privacy Policy.

Business Transfers. We may reorganize, get acquired or create subsidiaries. If we do, the information you provide may be transferred as a business asset. Said information will remain subject to any pre-existing privacy polices (unless you consent otherwise.) We may also provide your Financial Information, Personal Information and Non-Personal Information to other companies in the NemoBox family. We reserve the right to any information collected from you upon the occurrence of any such transaction.

Legal. We disclose information to respond to subpoenas, court orders and other legal processes as well as to establish/exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims. We will share Personal Information and Non-Personal Information in order to investigate, prevent or take action against illegal activities, suspected fraud, potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of our Terms of Use or as otherwise required by law.


NemoBox may use your email address to send you emails describing promotions or events. You may opt-out of receiving promotional emails by following the instructions in the email or by contacting us at Once NemoBox has processed your opt-out request, NemoBox will not send you further promotional emails unless you opt back in to receiving such communications. Whether you opt out of receiving promotional emails or not, NemoBox reserves the right to communicate with you via email with respect to important information, notices or changes relating to the Product.

INFORMATION RETENTION AND CORRECTNESS NemoBox may retain the Information collected subject to this Privacy Policy for the time needed to fulfill the purposes referenced in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. NemoBox does not verify the correctness of Personal Information. Even if information is changed or deleted, we may still retain some of the information to resolve disputes, enforce our user agreements, and comply with technical and legal requirements and constraints related to the security, integrity and operation of Services.

THIRD PARTY TERMS AND CONDITIONS Please note that your access to and use of the Product may be subject to certain third-party terms and conditions and privacy policies, including but not limited to application stores, on-line gaming platforms and social networking services. You recognize and agree that NemoBox is not liable for any such third-party terms and conditions and any third party’s use of your Personal Information. We do not collect, store or share your financial information. However, if you bought or otherwise accessed the Product through a third-party distributor such as Apple, Google or Amazon, that company may collect and store your Financial Information. Please review any applicable Distributor’s privacy policies to see how it handles your information. Here are links to the privacy policies of a few of the Distributors we use:

Apple -
Google -
Meta -

We may offer links to advertisements and/or enable you to access third-party products or services. While using such products or services, you are using products or services developed and administered by people or companies not affiliated with or controlled by us. We are not responsible for the actions of those people or companies, the content of their products or services, the use of information you provide to them or any products or services they may offer. Links to products or services do not constitute sponsorship of, or affiliation with, those people or companies. We encourage you to be careful about the protection of your own personal information when using third party services such as social media platforms. We also work with certain business partners, such as other game developers and advertising partners, and information collected from you may be shared through these partnerships. Below is a list of some, but not all, business partners that we actively share user information and site usage data with (this list is subject to change):

Admob (Google) -
UnityAds -
Meta -


While no security system is completely secure, we and our third-party partners and vendors take commercially-reasonable security measures to protect against unauthorized access or disclosure of the information collected, including but not limited to, ensuring that all Personal Information is disclosed only on a “need to know” basis.


We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from persons under the age of 18. If it comes to our attention that Personal Information has been collected from a person under the age of 18, we will delete this information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we may have Personal Information from or about a child under the age of 18, please contact us at the email address below.


In choosing to access the Product, you agree that any dispute arising out of or relating to the use of your information as described herein is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy and your continued use of the Product constitutes acceptance of such changes.


Please contact us at if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy.